Bugzilla at OSCON 2008

Bugzilla will again be participating at the Mozilla booth at OSCON.  Max and I will both be there from 2:30 to 3:30 on Thursday afternoon for sure, and you may find us hanging out at other times as well.  If there’s any other Bugzilla folks going to OSCON, please drop in and help us. :)  Last year Bugzilla got a pretty good reception (we generated more non-Mozilla-employee traffic at the Mozilla booth than Firefox did!)

If you’re trying to find me at OSCON, follow this link for where I plan to be (the sessions listed are subject to change based on my whims as we get closer to OSCON of course).

wither build-graphs.mozilla.org?

We have this site called build-graphs.mozilla.org.  We seem to have a situation where nobody remembers why it still exists.  Given the number of tinderboxes that still report data to it, I find that hard to believe, so hopefully this blog post will shake out a few people who remember (in case I failed to CC the right people already). :)  If that’s you, go make yourself heard on bug 428617.

bugzilla.mozilla.org now in version control

So this is something we’ve been wanting for a LONG time, and we finally got it set up as we were staging bugzilla.mozilla.org for last week’s upgrade.  The exact code that we’re running on bugzilla.mozilla.org is now directly checked out onto the production servers from a version control system.  What’s more, there’s a read-only mirror of it visible to the public, including all of our custom templates and everything, so anyone is welcome to check out the exact code we’re running and make patches against it if there was something about one of our customizations that bothered you, or you felt like fixing one of the myriad of bugs in the Other b.m.o issues component in Bugzilla that are local to our installation rather than upstream Bugzilla.

We ended up using Bazaar for the version control.  This was a hard decision to make because Mozilla is using Mercurial for most of the newer stuff these days, so we really wanted to follow suit and not have “yet another VCS” in use, but we wanted to be able to merge in code from the upstream Bugzilla repo periodically (which still lives in CVS, and doesn’t appear like that’ll be changing any time soon), and someone was already doing a sync of Bugzilla from cvs->bzr every 6 hours.  Trying to set up any kind of regular import to Hg wasn’t turning out to be very fun.

So, if you want to check out a copy of what we’re running, you can do this:

bzr co http://dm-bugstage01.mozilla.org/bmo/3.0/

Have fun!

UPDATE: Bugzilla’s upstream is now natively in Bazaar and no longer exporting from CVS, and BMO’s source has moved and is now in a permanent IT-supported Bazaar repo instead of hacked onto the staging box. The new URL is http://bzr.mozilla.org/bmo/ (followed by the version number of course, which has changed a few times since then, too, and will probably change again).

stage.mozilla.org take 3?

So as you may or may not have noticed, the stage.mozilla.org update previously advertised wound up getting partially reverted about a day after it was deployed.  After getting the full production load on it, we wound up crashing it several times again.  There’s just not much we can do to emulate real users using WinSCP to upload files from our load testing scripts. 🙁

We’ve gotten some new patches to the unionfs filesystem driver that attempt to fix some of the crashes we’ve been getting.  Unfortunately our only real way to test them is to throw it back into production and see what happens.  As such, over the next week or two, the stage.mozilla.org domain name will be swapping back and forth between the old machine and the new one periodically as we test things.  If you were following the directions given in the previous announcement this shouldn’t affect you at all, but I thought it would be good to give people a heads-up.  Obviously this means today’s deadline for the old machine to remain available has been averted, and it’ll probably still be around for another week or two at least.

If you absolutely need to reach the old machine, it’s at stage-old.mozilla.org.  The new machine is at stage-new.mozilla.org.  The stage.mozilla.org domain name could point at either one of them at any given time for the next week or two while we continue testing.  If possible it’d be great if you can continue to use stage.mozilla.org and follow where the domain points so you can help with the testing.  But if you run into any problems, feel free to use stage-old.mozilla.org just to guarantee the old way of access.

#build on irc.mozilla.org is the place to ask if you have questions or have any issues.