My son Brendan started his first self-defense class tonight, where he’ll be learning both Karate and Tae Kwon Do (both are part of the program). Given his very enthusiastic passion for Power Rangers, we figured he would probably enjoy it, and he indeed has. Hopefully it’ll also teach him that there’s more to being a "Power Ranger" than what he sees on TV. 🙂
A day at the beach
We took the kids to Tunnel Park to go swimming and play at the beach this morning. It’s the first time the kids have ever been to the beach (with the exception of a small 20-foot beach on an island at my parents’ cottage), and the first time Lori and I have been to the beach since a few years before Brendan was born. Makenzie didn’t want to go in the water, but she had a lot of fun digging in the sand, and everyone else got to get wet.
So I have a blog now…
With the kinds of things I’m involved in, I guess I’m a bit late in getting into the blogging game, but here it is. 🙂
Geeklog is probably overkill for a personal blog, but I’m familiar with it from previous sysadmin work at, so it was quick for me to set up.