This last week saw the Firefox 1.0.4 security update firedrill. When the exploit in question was leaked, and it was noticed that it was exploiting the default extension install whitelist which included the site by default, we decided to redirect all traffic to that site to another domain outside the whitelist in order to short-circuit the exploit. We also did some fiddling with the mime types on the FTP servers so clicking a link to an extension on the addons site would trigger a download of the extension file instead of automatically installing it.
Once Firefox 1.0.4 was out, with the security holes fixed, we could undo all of that and put the site back how it was. With one exception… the security hole still affects users of Firefox 1.0.3 and older. So we now sniff the UserAgent and redirect anyone using 1.0.3 or older to a page on telling them they need to upgrade. Yes, we know UserAgents can be spoofed. We also figure that the people who are enough of a poweruser to spoof their UserAgent are probably enough of a poweruser to know they need to upgrade on their own, and this still blocks the default case of your mom running Firefox unaltered.
Squid (which we’ve been using for our proxy servers for the addons site) can’t do redirects based on a UserAgent. So we built an RPM of Apache 2.1.3 for RHEL 4, and installed that on two of the new servers, using mod_proxy and mod_cache, and got lots of help from Paul Querna (a developer on the Apache httpd project) setting it up.
I must say, the new proxy and caching features in Apache are pretty freaking sweet. You get a heck of a lot more control over the way the content is proxied, can have multiple backend servers split up by subdirectory under the same domain name, can even serve content locally in addition to proxying. You can efficiently issue 302 and 301 redirects from the proxy server itself instead of having to have hundreds of threads from a rewrite engine running in the background or having to pass them through to the back-end server. Combining the power of mod_rewrite with the power of mod_proxy and mod_cache is a beauty to behold. My initial reaction to all of these features was “gee, it must have a performance cost compared to squid”, but it seems to be keeping up with our traffic just fine so far.
Not much fun for people who use platforms with no 1.0.4 in sight. What’s the point of telling OS/2 or BeOS users (for example) to upgrade, if an upgrade isn’t available?
One such example
How about blocking only users on platforms who can actually upgrade?
The point is that they’re vulnerable to a REALLY SERIOUS security hole, and the addons website (because of its special status in the default extension install website) can be used to exploit it if you can get content from that site. It would be very irresponsible of us to allow you to get content from that site with a vulnerable browser.
So no, we won’t be allowing in people who can’t upgrade.