Well, to Canada at least. Canadian cable network YTV started broadcasting the English dub of the original Pretty Cure series yesterday morning on Canadian television.
From the reviews I’ve seen, it sounds like they did a pretty good job of localizing it without dumbing it down, and still faithfully tell the original story. It would make my day if some TV network in the US picked it up.
I’ve been watching P.C. since it aired on YTV ..I live in Canada :).. I haven’t watched any of the Subtitled versions yet to really compare ..but so far they have changed the names of the Main Characters to natalie & hanna ..
But as it stands I’m still watching with Interest 
and They’re Power Calls are different too.
I also seen there is a few more season’s and some Movies as well ..hope they will do the rest as well
Where did you fine english ones? T-T
They’re on TV in Canada’s YTV cable network. Only in Canada
I really want Pretty Cure to come to the US because I live in Michigan and I’ve been hearing for a while that Pretty Cure came to the UK and Canada.Does anyone know if they will bring it over here.And if they do I dont want any of that 4Kids dubbing I hope they keep the same names,voice actors,opening, and ending.So if anyone knows pleeeease tell me I’m a huuuge fan!
Haven’t heard anything yet… I’m hoping for it, too. YTV did a decent job with their dub, it would be great it see it syndicated in the US.