Bugzilla 2.16.6/2.18rc1 Release Checklist

  1. verify everything is final and close the tree. No more last-minute fixmeups after the tarball is posted! :-)  This means every bug targetted to this release must be closed except the release tracking bug.  That includes the release notes (which should be prepared and reviewed by the reviewers list, but not yet checked in due to the security disclosure - this gets checked in as part of step 7).
  2. ensure a security advisory is written.
  3. write a release announcement (but don't post it yet)
  4. update Bundle::Bugzilla with new modules and new versions of modules listed in checksetup.pl (or wherever they may relocate to) as needed; then upload to CPAN
  5. ensure no references are present in documentation saying the software is an older version.
  6. prepare updates for the web page at www.bugzilla.org but don't upload yet
    NOTE: We are going to push website-beta.bugzilla.org to the main site as part of this release, so the page updates need to be made there.
    1. Status Updates http://www.bugzilla.org/status_updates
    2. new release notes and the security advisory if relevant
    3. Update http://www.bugzilla.org/changes.html
    4. Update http://www.bugzilla.org/download/
    5. Update news page to announce the release
  7. check in the approved patches on the security bugs
  8. bump version number to the release version in globals.pl or Bugzilla/Config.pm and check it in.
  9. set cvs tags:
    • cvs tag -FR BUGZILLA-2_XX
    • cvs tag -FR -rBUGZILLA-2_XX Bugzilla_Stable
  10. make tarball: (we actually have a script which does all this part)
    1. cvs checkout *** FROM anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org ***
    2. cvs update -dP to nuke the extra directories
    3. tar cfz bugzilla-2.xx.tar.gz bugzilla-2.xx
  11. repeat step 1 one more time just to be sure
  12. upload tarball to ftp-staging
  13. wait for tarballs to show up on the live ftp server
  14. cvs commit the changes to the website
  15. wait for site changes to show up on the live web site
  16. post announcement to:
    1. netscape.public.mozilla.webtools
    2. netscape.public.mozilla.announce
    3. announce@bugzilla.org
  17. post any security advisory to:
    1. netscape.public.mozilla.webtools
    2. netscape.public.mozilla.announce
    3. announce@bugzilla.org
    4. bugtraq@securityfocus.com
  18. update the version tracking sites:
    1. Fresh Meat
    2. VersionTracker
    3. MacUpdates
  19. go crazy